December 15, 2006

Thank you.

A special bracha to those who take the time to read this blog. Thank you for sticking with me.

This site was dedicated on Chanukkah and it continues to grow. This is the time of re-dedication and may we all me mechazik to grow and eventually gaze upon our Holy Temple, rebuilt in Jerusalem.

Remember the true meaning of Chanukkah: how a small band of Jews, led by a noble family of Kohanim defeated the greatest army in world. Though Greek style, language and custom were considered the "in thing," the new and cool, the wave of the future, our ancestors rejected it and stayed true to Judaism and G-d's Holy Torah.

Remember this:

There is no more Greek Empire. There is Judaism.
There is no more Roman Empire. There is Judaism.
There is no more Babylonian Empire. There is Judaism.
There is no more Assyrian Empire. There is Judaism.
There is no more Spanish Empire. There is Judaism.
There is no more Nazi Reich. There is Judaism.
There is no more Soviet Union. There is Judaism.

The meaning of Chanukkah is to stand firm in Torah and Yiddishkeit. Don't compete with Christians this season. Don't demand "seasons greetings" and try and connect Chanukkah with Christmas. This is the antithesis of our Holiday.

Stay true to your G-d, your Heritage, your People. You are the Children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Am Yisrael Chai! The Nation of Israel lives!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
