From the Temple Institute:
"The festival of Passover which begins immediately after Shabbat commemorates Israel's miraculous exodus from Egypt. It is this extraordinary event that marks the birth of Israel as a nation. "Has any god ever miraculously come to take for himself a nation from amidst a nation… such as everything that the L-rd your G-d did for you in Egypt before your eyes?" (Deut. 4:34)
Turning our backs on Egyptian idolatry and slavery, we headed towards Mount Sinai and our eternal covenant with G-d. Nothing can ever change that covenant, and no force – external or internal – can change or alter Israel's destiny: to be "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Ex. 19:6)."
Check out their cool online story Shlomo's Passover Adventure
Me: May we soon merit to rejoice in Jerusalem for all our festivals. Amen.