Welcome! This site was dedicated on Hanukkah 5765. Our goal is simple: to educate about the Jewish People's historic, religious and ethical right to all of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.
June 29, 2007
Farfour, we hardly knew ye

Hamas TV on Friday broadcast what it said was the last episode of a weekly children's show featuring "Farfour," a Mickey Mouse look-alike who had made worldwide headlines for preaching Islamic domination and armed struggle to youngsters.
In the final skit, Farfour was beaten to death by an actor posing as an Israeli official trying to buy Farfour's land. At one point, Farfour called the Israeli a "terrorist."
"Farfour was martyred while defending his land," said Sara, the teen presenter. He was killed "by the killers of children," she added.
The weekly show, featuring a giant black-and-white rodent with a high-pitched voice, had attracted worldwide attention because the character urged Palestinian children to fight Israel. It was broadcast on Hamas-affiliated Al-Aksa TV.
Station officials said Friday that Farfour was taken off the air to make room for new programs.
Station manager Mohammed Bilal said he didn't know yet what would be shown instead.
Israeli officials have denounced the program, "Tomorrow's Pioneers," as incendiary and outrageous. The program was also opposed by the state-run Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, which is controlled by Fatah.
The picture above is my fantasy of Farfour meeting one of his 72 virgins in Jannat al-‘adn.
June 28, 2007
Yusuf Islam AKA Cat Stevens on Salmon Rushdie
Friends know how painful this is for me. I not only own every Cat Stevens album, but his music was the perfect soundtrack to my becoming chozer b'teshuvah. His music meant so much to me during my junior year in Yerushalayim when I became frum.
While I applaud Cat's religious awakening, I can't help but wonder what exactly drew him toward hatred and Jihad. Could it be that Wahabi Islam is now mainstream Islam? Were there no other spiritual options for him? It is one thing to eschew money, fame, drugs, alcohol and promiscuity... It another to band with those who issue death sentences and support terrorism.
Anyhow, here are some new lyrics for Moonshadow:
Yes, I'm being followed by Homeland Security
Homeland Security
Spying and stalking by Homeland Security
Homeland Security
And if I ever lose my mind...
Crave Jihad all the time.
Yes, if I ever lose my mind
A we e e e e e e e e e e
I won't have to think no more.
Yes, I'm being followed by Homeland Security
Homeland Security
Spying and stalking by Homeland Security
Homeland Security
CNN backs down
There is an interesting twist to all of this. Israelly Cool point out that many of the cities listed under "Israel" are Arab villages that ceased to exist in 1948.
Abu Shusha, an Arab village that has not existed since 1948 Akbara, an Arab village near Safed that has not existed since 1948 Al Atrun, which is the Arab name for the area of Latrun Dayr Ayyub, an Arab village that has not existed since 1948, and where the eastern segment of Canada Park is today
Kohen-Levy Conference in Jerusalem

Please go to The Tribe for more info.
I have asked Rabbi Kleiman to set up a video link for those of us who cannot attend. Hopefully this can be done.
I have got to give up cigars for whatever Vanunu is smoking
"Ich bin ein mental patient!"
From World Net Daily:
"Vanunu, a former nuclear technician who was recently released from Israeli prison after serving an 18-year sentence for exposing Israel's nuclear program at Dimona to Britain's Sunday Times, has been barred from leaving the country, talking to the media or meeting with foreigners.But the London-based al-Hayat newspaper published an interview yesterday it claims is the first Vanunu has given, in which the spy said that according to "near-certain indications," Kennedy was assassinated due to "pressure he exerted on then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor."
"We do not know which irresponsible Israeli prime minister will take office and decide to use nuclear weapons in the struggle against neighboring Arab countries," Vanunu was quoted as saying. "What has already been exposed about the weapons Israel is holding can destroy the region and kill millions."
Vanunu, who would not be in a position to know the current security apparatus of Israel's nuclear plant, also claims the Middle East is at risk of a "second Chernobyl" in the event of an accident at the Dimona plant. He said an earthquake could cause fissures to the core that would create a massive radiation leak "threatening millions."
Jordan should test residents in the border regions with Israel to be sure that they have not already been exposed to any radiation and administer the necessary medicine, Venunu said. He also criticized the visit to Israel early this month by the head of the Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed el-Baradei.
"He (Baradei) should have refused to have visited Israel (because) he was not allowed to inspect the nuclear reactor," Vanunu said.
According to al-Hayat, Vanunu now lives "with his Palestinian friends" in east Jerusalem."
June 27, 2007
Sure you can walk there, Kohain?

It can be found HERE
Blogging Brothers and Sisters
If you were once listed here or think you should be listed on my blog PLEASE send me a link in the comments section. Blogger wiped out my old file so it's not an easy task rebuilding the links list.
Please do not be shy. Send me your links and those of others who should be here and you will be doing me a huge chessed.
Yours in Blogdom,
June 26, 2007
Two companies that don't deserve your business
Ah yes, CNN. How surprising... According to them, Jerusalem is in a country called "Null." Check it out HERE.
Both CNN and Samsung are businesses which means they rely on consumers to make their profits. You have the chance to speak out and warn others. Please fell free to link to this post and send out an email blast with this information. Together we can (hopefully) make a difference and speak out againt these corporate lies and propaganda.
Kudos to Little Green Footballs for making this known.
June 22, 2007
June 15, 2007
June 14, 2007
"West Bank" mayor to ban Jewish pilgrims
The mayor of a Palestinian [sic] village on Monday called for the end of pilgrimages by Jewish groups to a holy site in his village after the desecration of Muslim graves last week.
Ahmed Bouzia, mayor of Kifl Harith in the northern West Bank, said villagers had discovered the desecration Friday morning after 1,300 Jewish pilgrims came there to pray under IDF protection the night before. Nine tombstones were damaged, he said - some broken and others bearing graffiti such as "Death to Arabs" and "Revenge."
Judah says: I would have no problem banning Jewish pilgrims from the site if the Waqf will agree to us banning Muslims from the Temple Mount, which has suffered massive desecration at the hands of "religious" Muslims.
The article continues:
Village feelings were further ruffled when IDF soldiers returned early Sunday morning with pilgrimage organizers to fix the damaged graves and paint over graffiti.
"This was desecration on top of desecration," Bouzia said, adding that Muslim graves can be repaired only by Muslims. The village leaders are planning to consult with Islamic authorities on how to restore the graves.
One Step Closer to Redemption

Beit El Celebrates Wool-Shearing
(IsraelNN.com) Surrounded by hundreds of happy children, the last of a herd of five sheep had its wool shorn in Beit El Tuesday afternoon - not for profit, but to fulfill a Biblical commandment. Town elders said it was the first time in probably 2,000 years that the commandment had been fulfilled there.The story began several years ago when Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed, the rabbi of Beit El and the dean of the town's yeshiva, began to wonder when he might ever have the chance to fulfill the Biblical commandment (mitzvah) of Reishit HaGez - giving to the Cohen (the priest) the first cuttings of the fleece of sheep grown in the Land of Israel.
(click above for the rest of the story and pictures)
"So after cutting the fleece of one of the sheep and ritually slaughtering it, we are now ready to give these parts, as well as the wool, to a Cohen - and not just any Cohen, but to our great 'teacher and master,' and one who is of undisputed Priestly lineage, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Avraham Kahane-Shapira."