Presenting for the first time in 3,000 years...
The Eternal House of David Reunion
Uniting Jewish descendants of King David from around the globe in the Holy City of Jerusalem May 28-30, 2007
In joint celebration of Jerusalem’s 40th year of independence And the inauguration of The International Davidic Dynasty Genealogy Center and Museum of Jerusalem.
Me: My wife's gandmother has a shtar yichus going back to King David. I wonder how many Jews are direct descendants. I would imagine a fair amount. Many Gedolim (including both the Gra and Baal Shem Tov as well as Hillel, Rabban Gamliel, Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi, Yochanan Hasandler, Rashi, the Rambam and Yosef Karo) are from the Davidic line.
Anyone else out there have a mesora?
My grandmother's family has a Mesora that they are Ben-ahar-ben from the Rambam, which, by extension, would make them from Beit David.
"I am working for Rav Yosef Dayan's Malchut Israel organization that is working for the abolishment of the anti-Jewish parliamentary Democracy and the reestablishment of Malchut Beis David."
Kahaneloyalist: Do you have a link I could post?
All I know is my wife's grandmother has a shtar yichus. Their last name is Ostreicher.
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