You will notice that "Beged Ivri" founder Reuven Prager is slated to appear. Why exactly is Mr. Prager cavorting with so-called messianic Jews and why in G-d's name is Arutz Sheva promoting him on their Tuesday Night Live program?
He is also listed as a link on the Tree of Life messianic Assembly. His fault? No. But where is the repudiation of apostate Judaism and evangelical groups who support them? Perhaps they're the "Biblical lifestyle's" bread and butter? That's no excuse.
What's more "Biblical" than uprooting idol worship and preventing other Jews from falling into it's sticky, fetid trap? Isn't idol worship one of the reasons we were expelled by G-d from Eretz Yisrael (ironically making us give up the biblical lifestyle for 2000 years)? There can be no excuse for targeting these groups for profit if it endangers Jewish Neshamot.
It's not as bad that he's listed on all these messianic sites as it is what's missing from his own: a statement denouncing these soul thieves and their underhanded tactics. Achdut and Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh l'Zeh is what will bring the Redemption, not biblical garb.
Answers please.

The following email was sent to Mr. Prager:
"Would you please comment on why you are appearing at a messianic convention in Chicago in August? Do you endorse "messianic" judaism? Are you yourself "messianic" in that you consider the Christian god (aka Jesus) the Jewish Messiah?"
I await his reply.
Thanks for asking these questions. Did you know that it's advertised with the J-man's alleged Hebrew name written as if it were Yud-Keh-Vav-Keh? See my video:
It addresses who these people are and their evolving belief system.
Don't be surprised at INN's involvement. Jeremy Gimpel is the organizer of Tuesday Nights Live and he is in thicker and deeper even than Reuven Praeger.
There are loads of videos of him in churches and with apostate,so-called 'messianic' Jews. Here is one for example:
See especially the 30 min and the 59 minute marks.
What are we to do about people like this?
Sorry, the links didn't come through.
My video about the Ephraimites:
Jeremy Gimpel church video:
Thank you Devash! Your link got cut off. I have shortened it to:
What chutzpah to use Reb Shlomo Carlebach's music for such garbage! I am outraged that these people have sacrificed the Jewish neshama for their "biblical zionism."
see also
Prager makes the rounds of messianic/ephraimite/two house congregations(churches) charging 250.00 dollars according to his website
It is time that we expose these people as the soul killers they are. I call upon every frum and dedicated blogger to out these people and let us make a link agreement to share all this information.
As a convert to Judaism, I was taught to give every Jew the benefit of the doubt. I do not know why Reuven Praeger is listed for this conference.
With regards to Jeremy Gimpel - has anyone contacted him? His site states the following: (I asked him in am email many months back about entering churches, etc. - He has the green light from his rabbi to teach Judaism.)
International Lecture Tours and Conferences
Spreading the message of Biblical Zionism, Ari and Jeremy have been featured lecturers in Synagogues, Churches, interfaith conferences and universities throughout the world. Over the years they have addressed communities of Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews, as well as Evangelical, Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, Amish-Mennonite and Lutheran Christians. With their ability to captivate a diverse audience, they have also been asked to speak at numerous ethic and cultural gatherings, most recently to groups of Native Americans at their inter-tribe conference. Please contact the ICBZ to have Ari and Jeremy speak to your group or community.
Many brachos to you for finding the truth. I did give Reuven Prager the benefit of the doubt. Benefit of the doubt no longer applies when there is factual evidence that exposes him. His name appears on countless so-called messianic sites and evangelical churches. His joining in with these people is the very essence of non-biblical, ie. promoting idol worship.
As for Gimpel, I am confused. He speaks like a pastor and last time I checked, Jews were forbidden in houses of idol worship. This is precisely why we can daven in a mosque and not even enter a church. Finding common ground and fighting Islamic terror is one thing. Forging a "covenant" based on "biblical values" is another. These people evangelize Jews, thereby stealing their souls. The want a chelek in Am Yisrael while they desire our spiritual death. The evangelicals were the one's who created this so-called "messianic" movement which has led thousands of Jews astray to idol worship. Just as the women of Midian were guilty seducing the Israelite men in the desert. Pinchas stood up and was rewarded with the eternal Kehuna. His quick, decisive action saved Klal Yisrael from further disaster and it is up to us to continue the fight.
"With regards to Jeremy Gimpel - has anyone contacted him? His site states the following: (I asked him in am email many months back about entering churches, etc. - He has the green light from his rabbi to teach Judaism.)"
IS he teaching Judaism? No, it seems he is teaching Biblical Zionism and embracing a spiritual enemy. Where is the faith in Hashem? Do we need these people to overcome our enemies? NO! G-d is our Savior and He alone will redeem us, not some yahoos from Texas who feel closer to their false god by connecting with our people.
I think they need to decide where they stand.
Either they're with Hashem or not.
My emails to Jeremy bounced back to me twice - I don't know what is the problem with my computer. HOWEVER, I spoke with someone that works with Rabbi Tovia Singer and Rabbi Singer responded that Jeremy is a devoutly religious man and somebody he has tremendous respect for as he has served in the IDF and has done a lot for the Jewish people.
As far as his approach and dealings in the Christian world, he suggests that you write him personally and ask for an explanation as to why he does things the way he does. As far as missionaries, Tovia says he knows that he speaks out against it and in fact warns that he will throw out anybody suspected of missionary activity during his seminars.
Time to take a chill, Zahava.
If Jeremy has a heter to speak in churches then gezunteheit. I don't think he speaks to messianic groups. THAT is my problem. I have not accused Jeremy of anything. I just questioned why Reuven Prager, a frequent speaker at messianic events, was on his show.
That begs repeating:
I have not accused Jeremy of ANYTHING. I just questioned why Reuven Prager, a frequent speaker at messianic events, was on his show.
"Rabbi Tovia Singer responded that Jeremy is a devoutly religious man and somebody he has tremendous respect for as he has served in the IDF and has done a lot for the Jewish people."
That's wonderful. Again, never said anything about Jeremy. If Jeremy want to talk to churches, then that's between him, his rabbi and G-d. If, however, he chooses to address "messianics" at their gatherings (which I do not believe he would) then I am going to have a problem with it. Ze hu.
Please don't confuse the issues, Zahava. My taina is with so-called "messianic" Jews and their predatory falsehood. They endanger Jews and Jewish Neshamos! Why is that so hard to understand?
Feel free to ask Rabbi Singer about Reuven Prager. If he will come back and say that his work is kosher and beneficial to the Jewish people then I will not only delete the post, but I will publish a retraction and public apology.
That might have been confusing: What I MEANT to say was...
If Jeremy has a heter to speak in churches then gezunteheit. I don't think he speaks to messianic groups. THAT is what I would have a problem with.
Not good English, I know... but you get the drift.
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