March 21, 2006

Could this mean war in the Old City?

I just saw this on the Netflix site. It is the plot line for the movie USHPIZIN.

"Shot on location in Jerusalem with the support of the local population, this lighthearted film documents a week in the life of Moshe (well-known Israeli actor Shuli Rand) and Male, two recently converted orthodox Jews who receive a large sum of money and prepare for a lavish Sukkot feast. But the pair of ushpizin (the Hebrew word for Armenian) dinner guests who turn up on their doorstep aren't prepared to accept Moshe's new lifestyle. "

Also, note the term "recently converted."

Hee hee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love the picture. Is it a photoshop special?

After much reluctance, I finally saw Ushpizin and found it hilariously Jewish. My reluctance was due to the lack of interesting advertising. The scene in the Succah did more for my health - via laughter. And the scenery made me so 'home sick' for Yerushalayim I felt very melancholy. It was a really great nostalgic viewing.

There must be some purpose to N.K. behaving as they do? Any responses?