December 28, 2005

Let's play Card Sharks!

JIM PERRY: We polled 100 Palestinians and asked them: "Do you support Al-Qaeda terror attacks on the United States and Europe?" Charlene, how many Palestinians said they do indeed support terror against the US and Europe?

CHARLENE: Well Jim, I'm going to say that that number must be low, seeing as both the US and Europe are the PA Authority's biggest donors. I'm going to have to say thirty.


TED: Well Jim, I'm going to have to agree with Charlene that the number must be low. I'll say it's even lower.

JIM PERRY: Out of one hundred Palestinians surveyed, the number who say they support terror against the US and Europe is SIXTY FIVE!

A poll carried out in the Palestinian Authority shows 65% support for Al Qaeda terror attacks on the United States and European countries - the biggest donors to the PA.

Read ariticle HERE

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