Attacks continue with Kassam rockets, a suspected murder of an eight-year-old Jewish child, rock-throwing, shootings, a bomb at Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem and an attack at Elijah's Tomb in Haifa.
Me: Let's just ignore it in the name of Democracy and pluralism.Ready for the juicy irony? Here goes.
Just one month ago...
Saudi embassy warns against entry of non-Muslims in Mecca
The Saudi Arabian Embassy in Manila has issued a warning that entry of non-Muslims into the cities of Mecca and Medina, the two holy places in Islam, is strictly prohibited, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Tuesday.
Oscar G. Valenzuela, DFA Assistant Secretary for Middle East and African Affairs, said transgressors are subject to severe punishment if caught.
He said the Saudi Arabian Embassy has warned that such infractions may have serious religious repercussions. (emphasis mine)
Reports reaching the DFA said false certificates of Muslim identity have been used by some overseas workers to illegally enter Saudi Arabia as umrah and hajj pilgrims. The Office of Muslim Affairs earlier warned that persons found in possession of or attempting to obtain false certificates of Muslim identity will be prosecuted.
Valenzuela also warned Filipinos seeking fake certificates of Muslim identity against using them for employment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
He said the DFA has received reports that some unscrupulous recruitment agencies have been sending workers to Saudi Arabia who are advised to misrepresent themselves as Muslims. He said overseas Filipino workers who use the fake certificates may be arrested by Saudi authorities.
But they can do whatever they wish to Jewish sites.
Its just crazy.
Crazy? It makes perfect sense if you're a Muslim!
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