Interesting stuff. From the very first perek we learn an interesting thought. It discusses the shomrim of the Beis HaMikdash. Kohanim would be posted throughout various roofs of the Temple every (some say day and) night. Why was this? Not because of thieves but rather in honor of Hashem's Malchus. The Gra has a twist on this. He says that they are there as a warning to those who are not fit to enter to beware (whether they are tamei, etc.)
There is a serious problem in our shuls today. People allow their kids to run wild and yell in the hallways. Talking is at an all time high. People run out before davening is over to get a good spot at the kiddush.
Where is the guarding of Hashem's house today?
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New Temple Mount Movies on the internet
Movie: Location of the Temple on the Temple Mount
In particular the movie refutes Tuvia Sagiv's southern theory.
Press Here- for the 155MB version of the movie http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7448412301560266864&q=temple+mount
Press Here- for the 41MB version of the movie http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5924505468530701460&q=temple+mount
Press Here- for the 11MB version of the movie http://600000men.com/m/tlocation.htm
Movie: Location of the Temple on the Temple Mount part 2
In particular this movie refutes Asher Kaufman's northern theory.
Press Here- for the 22.5MB version of the movie in wmv format http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8144427112709392054
Press Here- for the 309MB version of the movie in mpg format http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4407514206196177052
Movie: Location of the Temple on the Temple Mount part 3
In particular this movie refutes Rabbi Shlomo Goren's western theory.
Press Here- for the 25MB version of the movie in wmv format http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2424720035749582305
Press Here- for the 347MB version of the movie in mpg format http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6812873824602506879
Movie: The Temple Mount and the Size of the Cubit
Press Here- for the 26MB version of the movie in wmv format http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1209499345397319374
Press Here- for the 339MB version of the movie in mpg format
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